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Modernize Your Bathroom – 11 Simple Solutions

Modernize Your Bathroom – 11 Simple Solutions

Bathroom decoration is one of the designs that is given special attention today. But due to their shrinking size, the dramatic and luxurious changes in restrooms have become a bit difficult.

In the past, builders paid not much attention to the design and decoration inside bathrooms. However, today, with the growing attention to house decoration and the role of modern appliances, interest in bathroom decor has also increased.

This article will introduce you to solutions that can easily make remarkable and dramatic changes in your bathroom space.

Renovation of bathroom decoration with a few simple solutions

1. Bathroom decoration with mirror

A straightforward way to decorate a bathroom is to have a mirror. So, of course, having a mirror in the bathroom is a necessity. But if you take a careful look, most houses have used a small mirror in these places.

You can use several small mirrors or one large mirror in your bathroom. The mirror is defined in Feng Shui with a feeling of calm and well.

By doing this, you will multiply the light inside the bathroom. You can also add a little creativity or light bulbs around your mirror with a bit of creativity so that you do not face a lack of light when using the mirror.

2. Small wall cupboards in the bathroom

To decorate the bathroom, you can provide wall cabinets with the appropriate size for your bathroom. By doing this, you can put cleaning products and toothbrushes inside it.

Use bright colors if you want your bathroom to look bigger. But if you’re going to have a different bathroom, you can choose these closets in sharp or black colors.

Be sure to install cabinets in the right place; careful not to block the door or hit yourself on the head with them.

3. Creating a niche in the bathroom

The presence of a niche in the decoration of the bathroom may be a strange thing. But this is very useful for tiny bathrooms.

With a little creativity and the help of an architect, you can create a niche in your bathroom or toilet. This way, you do not need to prepare wall cupboards.

4. Replacing the bathroom sink and its cabinet

A tool that plays an essential role in bathroom decoration is the sink and its cabinet. We know that sinks are often costly. But keep in mind that you use it for a long time; As a result, it is worth the expense to replace it.

Keep this in mind to choose the sink and cabinet, be sure to consider the size of your bathroom. If the sink and cabinet are too big or too small, your bathroom might not look attractive.

Also, if your sink is too large for the bathroom, it will make getting around very difficult, and on the other hand, cleaning the restroom will be difficult.

5. Bathroom color

We accept that tiles and stones have a significant advantage in bathroom decoration. But if they are removed, you can change their color yourself whenever you get tired of the color in the bathroom.

They often use neutral and white colors to make the bathroom look bigger and feel better. This color never gets old.

But we suggest you take a little risk, change the bathroom decor, and paint one of its walls with a single sharp color. 

6. Light in the bathroom

Do not forget to use light to decorate the bathroom. If you can, use natural light. If this does not work, you can use light bulbs.

A straightforward way to create good lighting is to place the lamp on top of the mirror. Doing so allows more light to be diffused into the room without the need to use multiple lamps.

Modernize bathroom decor

Today, modernizing bathroom decoration has become very common and is a favorite among many people. You can completely modernize your bathroom with a few changes.

1. Use curtains or partitions

You can use curtains or partitions inside to modernize the bathroom decoration. By doing this, you have separated your bathroom space and given it a particular order.

2. Bathroom decoration with scented candles

In Feng Shui, candles are considered a positive and soothing sign. In a way that encourages you to use candles in different environments of the house.

You can use different candles to decorate the bathroom. Lighting candles in the bathroom creates natural and beautiful light.

We also suggest using scented candles; Because you have created a very natural and beautiful light in the bathroom, and its pleasing aroma is spread in the space and prevents unpleasant odors.

3. Use small to large flowers

You can use suitable flowers inside the building to decorate the bathroom. Of course, doing this cleans the air inside the bathroom. But, on the other hand, it will create a lovely atmosphere visually.

4. Use of wooden tools

The use of quality wooden furniture in the decoration of the bathroom and other spaces of the house is never repeated. Coated wood stays well in a humid environment and gives a special effect to the bathroom space.

5. Use colored towels

You may be interested in knowing how effective the color of the towel is in the bathroom decoration. If your bathroom is white or neutral in color, all you need is colorful towels to modernize your bathroom.


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